In Search of the Past: Part 4: Magical Kandy

It’s been awhile. In case you don’t know, writing can take over your life. Then there was that Honolulu conference. Now, let’s return to Sri Lanka.  One day way while researching book locations in the Kandy hills, I discovered a famous old hotel, Helga’s Folly–a quirky marvel of art and antiques decorated by Madame Helga … Read more

In Search of the Past, Part 3: Kandy and the Mystery of History

Kandy Lake and the Buddha on the Hill As a lifelong traveler (originally through books!), I find that place is a key element in my writing. I’ve got to feel it.   Queen’s Hotel, Kandy, Sri LankaPhoto by Dushyantha Large Photo by Dushyantha Large To research my latest novel, we have come to Kandy, Sri … Read more

In Search of the Past, Part 2: Kandy and the Mystery of History

I’m here to research my latest novel, which takes place partly in Kandy, Sri Lanka, a remote kingdom until the British blasted a railway up the mountain in the mid-19C. A hundred years later, my characters arrived by train, and so do we–ready to walk their paths.  But history clings to its mystery, and a key location … Read more

In Search of the Past: Sri Lanka/Ceylon: Arrival

On arrival, like many of the characters in my WW2 spy novel–including Lord Mountbatten himself–I check-in at the Galle Face Hotel in Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon. Having written a first draft and read multitudes of books, I’ve come to discover their world. Despite modernization, much of the land remains as … Read more