Europe By Train: Train/Ferry to Dublin: Books, Art, and Pubs

Based on the recommendation of the Man in Seat 61, I was excited to take the Virgin train-ferry to Dublin. We left London’s Euston station around 9 a.m. and settled in for a three-hour ride to Holyhead, Wales. Soon we had left London behind and were passing through pastoral countryside.  Before long we reached Wales…a … Read more

Europe By Train: London #2: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”

Horse of Selene, the Greek moon goddess, British Museum With Samuel Johnson’s famous quote in mind, I gorged on London museums, most free. I wanted to devour everything, an impossibly rich buffet. The British Museum is, simply, mind-boggling. With self-deprecating British humor, they state that here they display the best in the world, since the … Read more

Europe By Train: London #1: Exploring Worlds

Eurostar is a sweet way to travel. We left Gare du Nord mid-afternoon, and in less than three hours arrived at St. Pancras in the heart of London. Two Tube stops later, we reached Covent Garden, where we stayed with my brother. We came across this florist in our neighborhood, a nod to Eliza Doolittle … Read more

Europe By Train: April in Paris #7

We were coming to the end of our Paris stay. I barely stopped those last few days, visiting and revisiting my favorite places, wanting to imprint everything in my heart. I had walked through the Luxembourg Gardens several times already, this would be my last. A brief stroll on a beautiful afternoon, the park incandescent. … Read more