Europe By Train #4: Amsterdam: Going Our Own Way

Amsterdam is a city on the move. Mainly on bikes.  A population going to and fro. Straight-backed, with easy panache on bicycles of every color and configuration. Women in summer dresses. Or sleeveless sheaths and high heels. Riding their bikes one-handed with baskets of flowers, panniers of groceries, a bottle of wine. Or children in … Read more

Europe By Train #3: My Paris

Paris and I go way back, but this was the first time I will arrive by train. Arriving at the Gare du Nord is a step back to the era when trains were the modern way to travel. Taking the Eurostar from London’s St. Pancras station remains the modern way to travel, from city center to … Read more

Europe By Train: London #2: Love…Hate…Love

For all that we rant about social media, there are moments when I marvel at the way it can connect us. At the start of my “Europe By Train” trip, asked me to blog about the London book benches commissioned by Britain’s Literacy Trust. They quickly became a high point of my stay, so I also … Read more