Home Sweet Home

Welcome. Bienvenue. Namaste. Thanks for dropping by.
I have written a few guest blogs, but this is my first one at “home,” for my very own new site. I’ve been working hard on it with the uber-talented designer Maddee James of xuni.com and we are both very proud. Please let us know what you think.
I’m a slow writer, almost like a potter shaping clay, waiting to see what is revealed. What will happen next in my story? So it can be hard tearing myself away to blog. That’s why I tricked myself, naming this space “Postcards” to make it inviting and fun. A place to jot down thoughts and updates on my events, works in progress and, of course, travels. We have a big one coming up this summer, By Train Through Eastern Europe. Stay tuned.
This week I travel to Monterey, California for the Left Coast Crime mystery fiction conference. I’m appearing on what should be a wild and crazy panel, “Sex, Death & Taxes… and a Lot of Champagne.” Joining me are moderator Allison Brennan, Deborah Coonts, Catherine Coulter and Harley Jane Kozak. I’ll be the one laughing at all their jokes.

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